Tuesday, April 13, 2010

God of War - The Story

Kratos is a captain of the army of Sparta which quickly climbed career. At first he only has 50 troops under his command, then that number grow into the thousands of troops. After becoming a general , he won many battles . At that time he also was able to obtain much treasure and loot the treasure in his quest to become a Sparta general.

With his experience in war, Kratos became man of brutal and thirst for war. Only his wife, who dared to ask the motive and intent, but he answered that it was all for the glory of the nation of Sparta. Then his wife deny Kratos, and he says that Kratos doing it for the sake of his own ambitions in her fetish for war.

At one time, the Spartan army at war with nations barbarians from the East are known for their ferocity and savagery. Sparta defeated by the number of troops and troop strength, this is the bitterest defeat Kratos experienced during the war. At the time of urgency will be killed by the leader of the barbarians, Kratos was screaming for help of Ares the god of war. Kratos promises to be the servant of Ares if he is given aid to defeat the enemy in battle. Ares granted the request of Kratos, a pair of arms and Ares memnberikan Blades of Chaos. With such assistance, Kratos hacked off the head of the leader of barbarian troops using Blades of Chaos.

Kratos served Ares loyally, he was terrorizing each area and create chaos in the name of the god of war Ares. Unbeknownst to Kratos, Ares framed him to slaughter his own family in a temple located in the village whose inhabitants were the followers of Athens . At the time realized that he had massacred his wife , and daughter of beloved, at that time he also condemned the cunning Ares, and stated that he stopped being a servant of the god of war. Kratos left the body of his family was in the temple of Athena devotee who is also where he massacred the family by accident. In front of the burning temple, Kratos brutally punished for such actions. His whole body covered with burning ash family, and make the skin of Kratos as pale as white full moon . It was then that he became known as the Ghost of Sparta (Ghost of Sparta).

After the incident the family butcher made by himself, Kratos haunted by memories and nightmares . It makes the soul and mind and the conditions depressed inner turmoil. He left Sparta, and adventuring all over Greece in search of a place in the Aegean sea which can be reassuring to the condition of the soul, mind, and he thought the pressure of the sins he had done. For the sake of obtaining peace with the abolition of the memories and nightmares, he was willing to be a follower and servant of Olympus deities other than Ares.

For humans , Kratos is described as a symbol of cruelty and selfishness. He was shunned and hated by every human being, even people more willing to die rather than helped by Kratos. Ghost of Sparta is a call for Kratos every he visits by everyone. Since the death of his wife and daughter, as long as 10 years Kratos has become a follower and messenger Olympus deities. After all, he kept a grudge burning for Ares. At the end of the story of the first God of War as Ares met his end at the hands of Kratos, Ares said that she did all that to make Kratos as one of the strongest and greatest fighters in the world .