Thursday, April 15, 2010

God of War 3 Highlight

Last God of War series, titled God of War 3, will be increasingly fierce and colossal compared to the previous series. Series that will be present on the PlayStation 3 is still under development and will appear in 2010.

However, several details about the last action that Kratos has been pushed on the internet. Here are some highlights choice for action games set in the mythology is quoted from CVG, Tuesday (21/4/2009):

1. Powerful Weapon

Kratos will have some powerful weapons in an attempt to drop the Olympus, the throne of the Greek gods. One weapon is Blade of Chaos, the sword is used also in Athens God of War 2 (PlayStation 2).

Use the Blade of Chaos to flinch the enemy toward Kratos. The sword is equipped with chains could also be used to attack large enemy from the side or rear.

In addition, Kratos will have the Gauntlet (bear arms like a glove) with a lion's head shape. Cestus named this weapon is similar to that used Gauntlet of Zeus Kratos in God of War: Chain of Olympus (PlayStation Portable).

Cestus used to banish the enemy attack that comes in large quantities. Disarming of the enemy with Cestus then be 'dealt' with the other weapons used by Kratos.

Kratos will also have an arrow-shaped weapons fire. These weapons could be used to eradicate the enemy in the distance or burning objects made of fire.

2. Riding Titan

One part in God of War 3 will put Kratos on the back of a Titan. Being larger than this giant will be the 'vehicle' Olympus Kratos climbing the mountain in order to reach the place of the gods.

The size of the super-giant creatures are far greater than had ever appeared in the previous God of War series. Mentioned will be as tall as the Empire State Building, Kratos will utilize the Titans to overthrow Zeus and sidekick-cronies in Olympus.

Being on a certain creature would certainly provide a different experience for players. Imagine if when Kratos was on the arm of the Titan and then being held up his hands, like a roller coaster without a seat belt.

3. Stomach Contents tore Opponent

Thanks to the ability of the PlayStation 3 machine, Kratos is now able to tear the opponent's stomach until its contents spilled. This is thanks to technology called 'velcro-tear' which applied to the God of War 3.

Muscle tissue and stomach contents opponent will have an amazing realism. Revoking the enemy's head, for example, will reveal the muscles and tendons that cascade off the force.

As an illustration of Kratos cruelty, one part in God of War 3 will make Kratos pull the head of Helios the sun god. Head of the shine that he would use as a lantern while exploring the dark side of Olympus.

4. Utilizing the Enemy

God of War enemies in a God of War 3 no longer function as targets for Kratos raging. Certain enemies can be used in battle, for example, driving a one-eyed giant Cyclops for hitting opponent. Harpies flying creatures can also be used to jump over the wide gap.

Soldiers could be appointed by the opponents and is brought Kratos for further action, such as being thrown into the opposite direction. The body of a helpless enemy, it can also be used as shields in confront weapons of the opponent.

But make no mistake, the opponent Kratos will have 'intelligence' that much anymore and the numbers will be so much more. If the fight without a leader, enemy forces may not be too dangerous. But if accompanied by a larger unit, such as Centaur, then the forces would be more violent.

Kratos can use that ability differences by killing the units 'leaders'. Because, without the usual squad leader will tend to lose the passion and ability is reduced.

5. Fly and Wallrun

Kratos in any style will be more exciting action in God of War 3. One of the levels mentioned will feature Kratos wearing Icarus wings to fly.

In addition, Kratos can also run on the wall a la Prince of Persia. Actions planned to run this wall will be combined with combat capability, perhaps like Keanu Reeves in action movie The Matrix but with the background of Ancient Greece.

Obviously, the biggest improvement in the God of War 3 is in terms of graphics. View details of the facial muscles and neck of the characters in this game mentioned gamers will be able to be enjoyed, so it will show how tense muscle when rampage Kratos.